CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - THEMES FROM THE MORAL PHILOSOPHY OF RAWLS AND KANT Themes from the Moral Philosophy of Rawls and KantTennessee Value and Agency (TVA) Annual...
CALL FOR PAPERS - GRADUATE STUDENT CONFERENCE / NACHWUCHSTAGUNG Im Anschluss an die Tagung "Husserl und die klassische deutsche Philophie" (s. PDF-Datei im...
CALL FOR PAPERS KANT AND NATURAL HISTORY - ESTUDOS KANTIANOS The online academic journal Estudos Kantianos (Kantian Studies), hosted by São Paulo State...
CALL FOR PAPERS: KANT IN CURRENT PHILOSOPHY OF MIND AND EPISTEMOLOGY The journal Con-Textos Kantianos – International Journal of philosophy is preparing a special...
CALL FOR PAPERS: MATHEMATICS IN KANT’S CRITICAL PHILOSOPHY deadline: February 15, 2014 Canadian Journal of Philosophy: Supplemental Volume on Mathematics in Kant’s...