Concepts, Intuitions and ‘Manifest Reality’

Workshop, September 11th-12th, 2017 Sala Diano – Palazzo Liviano, Padova

Monday, September 11th

Session I: Chair Gabriele Tomasi

9.30: Welcome: Prof. Francesca Menegoni (Coordinator of the PhD Program in Philosophy), Prof. Gabriele Tomasi (Coordinator of the Kantian Seminar)

10.00: Lucy Allais (UC San Diego): The Compatibility of Kantian Determinism with an Open

11.30: break

11.45: Anna Tomaszewska (JU Krakow): The Theological Motivations of Kant’s
Transcendental Idealism

Session II: Chair Davide Dalla Rosa

14.30: Anselmo Aportone (Università di Roma Tor Vergata): Sintesi estetica e facoltà cognitive

15.45: break

16.00: Sabrina Bauer (Universität Heidelberg): Die Unerkennbarkeit der Dinge an sich im transzendentalen Idealismus

16.45: Lorenzo Cammi (Università di Verona): The Thing in Itself as the Thing Full of Powers. A Dispositional Interpretation

Tuesday, September 12th

Session III: Chair Anselmo Aportone

9.30: Dietmar Heidemann (Université du Luxembourg): Non-Conceptualism and Aesthetic Cognition in Kant

10.45: break

11.00: Barbara Santini (Università di Padova): Regel der Synthese und Gegenstandsbezug mit Rücksicht auf die Analytik der Grundsätze

Luigi Filieri (Università di Pisa): Intuitive Synthesis and Conceptual Unity: Kant on the Synthetic Import of Sensibility

Session IV: Chair Elena Tripaldi

14.30: Sebastian Rödl (Universität Leipzig): Kant’s Indirect Proof of Transcendental Idealism

15.45: break

16.00: Manja Kisner (LMU München): Kant’s Twofold Conception of the Transcendental Idealism

16.45: Gregorio Demarchi (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena): Kants Kritik am Prinzip der Identität der Ununterscheidbaren



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