The Centre for Critical Philosophyis pleased to announce:

 Hegel  - Fichte  - Kant
A workshop on Transcendental Philosophy and German Idealism

Date: June 24th, from 2 P.M. to 5:30 P.M.
Venue: Ghent University, Department of Philosophy and Moral Science,
Blandijnberg 2, room 219, Ghent (Belgium) 

Organized by: Dr. Emiliano Acosta.


2 P.M.  - 3 P.M.

Prof. Dr. Héctor Ferreiro (University of San Martin, Buenos Aires)
Language and Comprehension in Hegel´s Philosophy of Subjective Spirit

3:15 P.M. - 4:15 PM

Dr. Manuel Roy (Humboldt University, Berlin),
The intention of Fichte's "Foundation of the Entire Science of knowledge" 

4:30 P.M.  - 5: 30 PM

Boris Demarest (Centre for Critical Philosophy, Ghent University),
The Dynamics of Living Power: Kant's doctrine of faculties revisited 

6 PM Reception with wine and soft drinks at the Center for Critical Philosophy.

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Ghent University, 24 June 2011