University of Keele, 27 November 2010
- Howard Williams (Aberystwyth): "Ethics and Right in Kantian Global Distributive Justice"
- Adrian Piper (Berlin): "Kant's Self-legislation Procedure Reconsidered"
- Peter Niesen (Darmstadt): "Laws for Which an External Legislation Is Possible"
- Stephen Engstrom (Pittsburgh):" Laws of Inner and of Outer Freedom"
- Sorin Baiasu (Keele): "Morality and Enforceability"
Call for Commentators and Chairpersons:The conference aims to explore the relation in Kant between ethical and juridical laws. We invite expressions of interest from scholars who would like to comment on a paper or chair one of the conference's sessions. Please send an email to
Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. by 31 August 2010.The Keele Forum for Philosophical Research Annual Lecture will be given by Professor Stephen Engstrom on 26 November in the evening. The topic will be
"Universal Legislation as the Form of Practical Knowledge". The event is free of charge and participants to the conference will be welcome to attend the Annual Lecture too.The conference is organised with the support of the European Consortium for Political Research and Keele University.
Dr Sorin Baiasu
Lecturer in Philosophy
Philosophy Programme Director
Secretary of the UK Kant Society Co-convenor of the ECPR Kantian Standing Group
Philosophy Programme
University of Keele
Staffordshire ST5 5BG, UK
Tel: +44(0)1782-583364 (w) +44(0)7960-892201 (c)
Fax: +44(0)1782-583592
University of Keele, 27 November 2010